Saturday, February 20, 2010

Vacation and next week's meal plan

We had a great time on vacation! The hotel had a small kitchen that we were able to use a couple times. Thank goodness for Trader Joes! He hit there first thing Monday morning. We picked up munchies, cereal, milk, and stuff for a couple dinners. Trader Joe's now has mini burgers already haped. I wouldn't get them at home, but while using a much scaled-down kitchen at the resort, it was quite handy. I also managed to make spaghetti sauce, which we had over raviolis. It wasn't the normal fare I make, but it was edible!

And, we were home for less than 24 hours, and I made quite a spread to celebrate my wonderful husband's birthday with our boys and my in-laws. (I'll post the recipes and pictures of that in a bit!)

So, you ask, what's on the menu for going back to work this week?

Tonight, I plan to make another batch of bread dough so we can have fresh bread throughout the week.

Crockpot Monday: Spanish Brown Rice with Spicy Sausage (p.153 Not Your Mother's Cookbook) I'll serve parmesan broccoli with it.

Tuesday: enchiladas

Wednesday: tortellini with spinach, fresh herbs, and prosciutto

Thursday: leftovers for my stepson and dinner out after my track workout with my hubby

Friday: sloppy joes

Saturday: special dinner for hubby for his actual birthday! I'll be cooking all day while he's at work!

Have a great week, everyone!

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